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Psychological traumatization: definition, causes of development

Trauma has a dual nature: at first, it is destructive, it takes away a person's ability to live and enjoy life. On the other hand, the paradox of trauma is its ability to heal and transform a person. The more traumas a person has, the more resources they have to deal with them.

 Trauma in this context is everything that causes unbearable mental suffering and anxiety. The psyche is quite harmoniously arranged and has mechanisms that allow a person to preserve their integrity and survive in these conditions. This is a defense called dissociation.

Trauma can be caused by any acute emotional stressful situation: acts of violence, sexual assault, death or serious illness of loved ones, personal illness, transport accidents, captivity, wars, terrorist attacks, etc. There is no exact list of what causes trauma. Rather, its development is influenced by the peculiarities of a person's mental and emotional development. A traumatized person may feel depressed, shocked and have difficulty understanding their experience.

Psychotrauma has a classification:

Acute trauma is caused by an acute stressful or physically dangerous event.
Chronic trauma occurs when stressful events affect us for a long time. For example, chronic trauma occurs in children who have experienced systematic domestic violence and abuse.
Complex trauma occurs in people who experience several traumatic events in a row, such as several deaths of loved ones in a short period. 
Secondary or indirect trauma is the result of dealing with a person who has gone through a difficult experience. This type of trauma is often experienced by social workers, journalists, law enforcement officers, psychotherapists, and doctors.

The Centre's psychologists conduct not only diagnostics and consultations but also lectures to educate the assigned contingent and deepen knowledge about the psychological state of a person, its features, and ways to help in crises.

(с) 2024

Doctor appointment