Україна єдина #UAРАЗОМ

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New Year greetings

Joy is one of the basic human emotions, and the need to feel it lives in us from birth. No matter what difficult circumstances a person has faced since childhood, joy is what unconsciously pushes him to make decisions that will save his life. Therefore, practical psychologists arranged a New Year's greeting as part of a psychological event. During this, the soldiers received cards and sweet gifts from schoolchildren.

Practical psychologists and servicemen express their sincere gratitude for the support and warm words and wishes.

On behalf of the soldiers, we thank you for your understanding, and patriotism, for your significant contribution to maintaining combat capability and increasing the resources and motivation of our servicemen.

In particular, we would like to note

1. Kremenchuk gymnasium № 16, 1-A class

2. Donetsk lyceum № 2, Izium district, Kharkiv region

3. 93 lyceum of Lviv. Lviv

4. Herasymovych Halyna

5. Kryukova Zoya Oleksandrivna

6. The family of Kobz Olga and Natalia

7. Tkachenko Natalia

8. Yakusheva Marina

9. The Yezhenkov family

Together we will overcome all obstacles and win!

(с) 2024

Doctor appointment