Україна єдина #UAРАЗОМ

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Learning to contain aggressive factors through filmography

The military profession involves extreme situations, physical exertion, and few social connections. As a result of constant stress, military personnel become irritable, unrestrained, and conflicted in their relationships with comrades and the team. The tendency to physical and verbal aggression can prevent servicemen from constructively resolving conflicts and disagreements that arise.

Films convey ideas through emotions rather than logical narrative, they neutralize instincts, suppress feelings, and provoke emotions, and through films, we learn about ourselves, our feelings, and our emotions. That is why practical psychologists teach people to express their aggression through films or redirect it to a safer object. By expressing aggression indiscriminately, we risk social relationships. Therefore, the only best way is to be able to express your aggression in socially acceptable and safe ways for yourself and others.

(с) 2024

Doctor appointment