Україна єдина #UAРАЗОМ

Attention! Please, adhere to anti-epidemic measures for coronavirus disease prevention.


Prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections

Do not confuse influenza and acute respiratory viral infections! ARVIs are caused by a whole group of respiratory viruses, most often adenoviruses, parainfluenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), rhinovirus, and coronavirus. The current problem is the ongoing increase in the incidence of COVID-19 and the onset of the influenza and ARVI epidemic season, which creates the preconditions for a double epidemic.

The high-risk group for developing flu complications includes

children under the age of 5, with children from 6 months to 2 years being particularly vulnerable
adults over 65 years of age;
people with chronic diseases (cardiopulmonary diseases, diabetes mellitus, obesity, renal or hepatic failure, immunodeficiency, etc;)
pregnant women;
persons with chronic diseases of the respiratory tract and with disorders of respiratory secretions (neuromuscular disorders, epilepsy, etc.);
patients under 18 years of age taking aspirin (due to the risk of developing Reye's syndrome).
There are several methods of combating influenza and acute respiratory viral infections. Nonspecific prevention is about increasing resistance and preventing viruses from entering the body:

maintaining optimal indoor temperature and humidity;
regular ventilation of rooms;
walks in the fresh air;
good nutrition;
adequate drinking regime. It has been proven that it is much easier for viruses to gain a foothold on the cells of the upper respiratory tract epithelium when they are moved and have microcracks on their surface;
physical activity, including regular exercise;
adequate rest, especially healthy sleep. You should sleep at least 8 hours a day to maintain immune functioning;
maintaining cleanliness in the home, daily wet cleaning;
adherence to the mask regime during the flu and cold epidemic;
avoiding crowded places;
thorough hand washing after visiting public places. Until then, you should not touch your face, eyes, lips, or nose;
maintaining social distance.

Vaccination is the most effective measure of specific prevention of influenza. Vaccination is both an individual and a collective means of protection. In the case of mass use of influenza vaccines, the population can be protected by an average of 80.0%. At the same time, the risk of complications and the number of hospitalizations are reduced, which will allow doctors to direct maximum efforts to fight COVID-19.

Source - website of the Kharkiv Central Centralised Clinical and Protective Hospital of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

(с) 2024

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