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Containing emotions in stressful situations

To have a large container is the ability to recognize and live all your feelings well and at your own pace, accepting yourself in any emotional state, not being afraid of your feelings, and not condemning yourself for "wrong feelings".

Overwhelming emotions are the result of their constant restraint for fear of being destroyed by them. If emotional experiences knock us out of the rut, ruin our plans, and it is difficult to normalize on our own, or if the experiences feel too heavy, exhausting, or de-energizing, this is a sure sign that the "container" is not all right.

Increase the sense of self-worth and self-dignity, allow yourself to feel the feelings that are born, and learn to understand the reasons for your reactions. This is exactly what psychotherapy helps to do, so the psychologists of the Center for PPD and PPV conduct training with the military to develop the skills of emotional content in stressful situations.

(с) 2024

Doctor appointment